Fig. 4.
BPND images for participant 2 (test scan), co-registered to the corresponding T1-weighted MRI image. For comparison, BPND images were produced for voxelwise Logan’s graphical analysis with ppIF (A – top row) and voxelwise (exponential) SA (B, second row) by dividing the VT image by the mean of the brainstem (pseudo-reference region) VT and then subtracting 1. BPND images are shown for SRTM2 using the brainstem (C – third row) as a pseudo-reference region. The dynamic data were smoothed (isotropic filter with 2.0 mm FWHM) prior to Logan’s graphical analysis. Note the high binding in temporal regions, and the low binding in the cerebellum. Images are shown in radiological orientation (left on right). The colour bar depicts BPND. BPND – binding potential relative to non-displaceable binding, ppIF – (arterial) parent plasma input function; SA – spectral analysis, VT – volume-of-distribution. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).