Table 2.
Field site, country, trial type | Intervention(s) | Insecticide (dosage) | Intervention coverage | Control(s) (dosage) | Major malaria vector speciesresistance status | Impact on vector populationsc | Impact on disease incidencec | References |
Orissa, India, community-levela | Polyethylene sheeting (ITPS) | Deltamethrin (55 mg/m2) | Full coverageb | Untreated plastic sheeting | An. culicifacies s, An. fluviatilis s | Significant reductions in mosquito house entry (80–89%), vector indoor population density (95–100%), blood feeding (75%) and parity rates (74–77%) | Significant reduction in malaria incidence (65–70%) | [40] |
Untreated control | Increased immediate (56%) and delayed (100%) mosquito mortality and induced exophily (41%) | |||||||
Human blood index decreased to 0 | ||||||||
Uttar Pradesh, India, community-level (temporary labour shelters) | Polyethylene sheeting (ITPS) | Deltamethrin (265 mg/m2) | Full coverage | Untreated plastic sheeting | An. culicifacies s, An. fluviatilis s | Significant reductions in indoor vector population density and blood feeding, both to 0% | Significant reduction in malaria incidence to 0% | [43] |
Liberian refugee camps, Sierra Leone, community-level (temporary shelters) | Polyethylene sheeting (ITPS) | Deltamethrin (55 mg/m2) | Ceiling + roof | Untreated plastic sheeting | An. gambiae s.l.s, An. funestus s.l.s | ND | Protective efficacy from malaria infection of 60% and 15% for full or partial ITPS coverage, respectively | [44] |
Four tent walls + ceiling | Significant increase in time to first malaria infection among full ITPS coverage group | |||||||
Significant increases in mean Hb concentration in both intervention groups | ||||||||
Ouidah-Kpomassè-Tori Bossito, Benin, community-level | Polypropylene sheeting (ITPS) | Bendiocarb (200 mg/m2) | Upper thirds of walls | Deltamethrin LLIN (PermaNet® 2.0; 55 mg/m2) (targeted coverage to pregnant women and <6 years) | An. gambiae s.l.s/r, An. funestus s.l.ND | No significant reductions in human biting rate, sporozoite rate or EIR for all interventions | No significant reductions in malaria incidence, prevalence or parasite density for ITPS + LLIN, UC of LLIN or LLIN + IRS compared to targeted LLIN | [21] |
Significantly greater proportions of parous mosquitoes and indoor resting vectors in ITPS + LLIN villages | ||||||||
IRS | Bendiocarb (400 mg/m2) | All house walls | kdr allele frequency increased in all intervention groups | |||||
PermaNet® 2.0 LLIN | Deltamethrin (55 mg/m2) | Universal coverage | ||||||
Balombo, Angola, community-level | Polyethylene sheeting (ITPS) (ZeroFly®) | Deltamethrin (360 mg/m2) | Full coverage | Deltamethrin LLIN (PermaNet® 2.0; 55 mg/m2) | An. funestus ND and other minor anopheline spp. | Significant reductions in indoor vector population density (82% for ITPS + LLINs; 78% for IRS; 73% for WL) and intensity of mosquito bites in most intervention villages, measured using anti-Anopheles saliva IgG antibodies levels | Significant reductions in malaria incidence (58% for ITPS + LLINs; 54% for IRS; 51% for WL) | [45] |
IRS (lambdacyhalothrin; 25 mg/m2) | ||||||||
Polyethylene WL (ZeroVector®) | Deltamethrin (175 mg/m2) |
EIR entomological inoculation rate, Hb haemoglobin, IRS indoor residual spraying, ITPS Insecticide-treated plastic sheeting, LLIN long-lasting insecticidal net, ND not described, r resistant to one or more insecticides under investigation, s susceptible to one or more insecticides under investigation, UC universal coverage, WL wall lining
aIndicates traditional, permanent rural households or villages, unless otherwise specified
bFull coverage defined as four inner house walls, all interior surfaces in temporary structures or all interior surfaces in a λ-shaped tent, as applicable
cOutcomes reported relative to untreated control, unless otherwise specified