Table 1.
Case data and outcomes.
Case | Age/Sex | Past Surgical History | Presentation | Type of Drainage Procedure | Organism(s) | Follow-up from time of Diagnosis (months) | Clinical Outcome |
1 | 64/F | R THA 6 years prior | Fevers, R groin pain x2 weeks, decreased urine output | PCTD x1 and open x3 - explant | MSSA; Serratia marcesens and Enterococcus faecalis superinfection |
7 | Hip girdlestone |
2 | 73/M | Bilateral THA 4 years prior | L hip pain x6 weeks | PCTD x2 and open x7 - explant w/spacer | Propionibacterium acnes; Candida parapsilosis superinfections | 23 | Revision THA |
3 | 63/M | R THA 7 years prior | R hip pain x4 weeks | Open x2 - explant w/spacer | Propionibacterium acnes | 16 | Revision THA |
4 | 64/F | R THA multiply revised x5 for instability | Low back pain for several months and fevers x1 week | PCTD x1 and open x1 - I&D | CoNS | 42 | Retained prosthesis |
5 | 87/M | L THA and R THA 15 years prior | Bilateral hip pain, confusion and flu like symptoms for several days | Open x4 - I&D w/head and liner exchanges | Bacteroides fragiles | 21 | Retained prostheses |
M = male; F = female; L = left; R = right; THA = total hip arthroplasty; PCTD = percutaneous CT guided drainage; MSSA = methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus; I&D = incision and drainage; CoNS = coagulase negative staphylococcus; CRAB = carbapenem resistant acinetobacter baumannii.