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. 2017 May 15;13(5):615–629. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.17051

Table 3.

Physical Activity Attenuates the Effect of the FTO Genotype on fat parameters

FTO single
date Study design The risk alleles participants N region Subjects BMI(kg/m2) measurement parameters Ref.
rs9939609 2011 a literature-based meta-analysis A/T Adults (46±8 year) 237,434 Europe
North America
Risk of overweight and obesity: 25.0≤BMI<30.0;
PA significantly
(beta interaction = 20.14 kg/m2 per allele, P-interaction = 0.005) attenuated the association between the FTO variant and BMI of adults, but No such interaction was found in children and adolescents.
rs9939609 2010 Cross-sectional study from October 2006 to December 2007 A/T Adolescents (15 year) 752
(339 Boys;
413 Girls )
Europe Risk of overweight
weight, height, WC( P =0.1), BMI( P =0.02)
body fat percentage( P =0.06)
rs9939609 2008 Clinical Trials A/T adults 17,508 Danes subjects with BMI<25 and BMI≥25 physically
inactive homozygous risk A-allele carriers had an increase in BMI level by 1.95±0.3 kg/m2
compared with homozygous T-allele carriers. ( P =0.007)
rs1421085 2016 a longitudinal multi-ethnic study (clinical trial) T/C the ages of
18-85 years
(10,608 women and 6799 men)
six ethnic groups a mean BMI of 30.2 (SD= 6.22) kg/m2
a mean BAI of 33.0 (SD= 7.49)
BMI Reduced by 57%( P = 0.01)
BAI Reduced by 56%( P =0.04)
rs9939609 2011 a prospective cohort study A/T aged
45-66 years
12,523(6,894 women and 5,611 men) African &
European Americans
subjects with 25.0≤BMI<30.0 P ≤0.04 for all traits( BMI, WC) only in AA men and EA men [76]
rs9939609 2016 randomized controlled trial A/T Adults (aged ≥18 years) 1,280(537 women and 743 men) European a mean BMI of 25.5(SD= 4.80) Attenuated WC( P =0.02) and BMI(P= 0.005) [67]
rs9939609 2015 randomized controlled trial A/T 18-36 years old 550(231 males and 319 females) Portuguese Men: 22.9% were overweight and 4.3% obese,
Women: 12.2% were overweight and 4.4% obese
decreased in the body-fat percentage( P =0.0002)
an increased in BMI
rs1121980 2009 prospective population-based cohort T/C Adults (39-79 y of age) 20,374(10,059 males and 10,315 females) European Men BMI: (26.5±6.33)
Women BMI: (26.1± 6.42)
Attenuated WC( P =0.02) and BMI( P = 0.004) [68]
rs1121980 2013 11 cohorts study T/C Adults (aged ≥30 years) 111,421(More than 50% females) European subjects with 20.0≤BMI<35.0 attenuated BMI ( P =0.003)
almost 10-fold larger in North American than in European cohorts
rs9939609 2015 randomized trial A/T children and adolescents (aged 10-18 years) 135 (77 males and 61 females) Chinese BMI≥25 BMI, insulin, TC, TG, HDL, RBC, HB and HCT were significantly declined by the combined intervention(P < 0.05) [77]

Abbreviations: BMI: body mass index, BAI: body adiposity index, SD: standard deviation, N: sample size, PA: physical activity, PAI: physical activity index, EA: European Americans; AA: African Americans, TC: total cholesterol, TG: triglyceride, HDL: high-density lipoprotein, RBC: red blood cell, HB: Hemoglobin, HCT: hematocrit

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