Schematic of the coupled model. Blue ellipses denote poultry compartments, while blue lines denote transition rates between poultry compartments such as disease transmission rate, βc, recovery rate, γc, natural mortality rate, μc, disease-induced mortality rate, νc, birth rate, Λc, egg-laying rates by healthy and unhealthy poultry, αs and αi, egg loss at rate, μe; and the use of income to purchase poultry, ppπc. Green ellipses denote economic model classes, while green lines denote the generation of income from physical and human capital, fk, h, and the reinvestment of a portion of income into these forms of capital at rates rk and rh. Red lines denote the generation of income through the sales and consumption of susceptible poultry, σcps, infectious poultry, σcpi, and eggs, σepe.