Fig. 1.
Discovery of primate Plasmodium species. Colored lines are used to indicate geographic regions where the parasites are endemic. Aside from human malarias (‘Global’), all primate malarias are restricted to the region in which they were described. We included parasites in Table A.1 that have been morphologically described by at least two groups or belong to the Laverania clade (see Methods for distinction of species). The last reviews of primate malarias were conducted in 1933 [58], 1941 [33], 1966 [4], and 1971 [21]. Fooden [75] also reviewed Macaca literature in 1994. The dataset gathered here nearly doubles the number of individuals examined in previous reviews and presents the most updated taxonomic distinctions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).