Fig. 3.
Simian phylogeny with malaria parasite sampling effort. Phylogeny truncated from 10K Trees [92] and includes Old World Monkeys (1), apes (2), and New World Monkeys (3). (Fig. A1 includes prosimians too). Dark red edges are well-sampled primates with malaria, light red edges are undersampled species that have been found with malaria parasites, and gray edges are species that have been sampled but have not been found with malaria parasites. Species that are not infected with Plasmodium in the wild are highlighted in blue (see also Fig. A.2). The number of morphologically described Plasmodium species in each primate are given by the red circles next to the species name, whereas molecularly described are represented by black circles. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).