Fig. 4.
Disorganization Index classifies negative symptoms severity and schizophrenia diagnosis 6 months in advance. a Multiple linear correlation between PANSS negative subscale vs. Disorganization Index from dream + negative image reports, from negative image reports, or from dream reports (R 2 and p value indicated on title; linear coefficients used to calculate Disorganization Index on Results). b Bar plot of the mean and standard error of Disorganization Index from dream + negative image reports, from negative image reports, or from dream reports for diagnostic groups (schizophrenia in red, bipolar in blue and control in black; bar plots indicate of median values and error bars indicate s.e.m; Kruskal–Wallis tests (Bonferroni corrected for 6 comparisons (2 memory reports asterisk 3 groups)): p value indicated in each title; # indicates p < 0.0063—Schizophrenia > Bipolar and Control groups; asterisk indicates p < 0.0063—Schizophrenia > Bipolar or Control groups). c Classification quality using only Disorganization Index from dream + negative image reports, from negative image reports, or from dream reports (measured by AUC and Accuracy—classification of schizophrenia diagnosis 6 months in advance (black); Negative Symptom Severity measured by PANSS negative subscale (gray). d Validation of the Disorganization Index using dream reports from an independent cohort of chronic psychotic patients.9 Multiple linear correlation between PANSS negative subscale vs. Disorganization Index (R 2 and p value indicated on title; linear coefficients used to calculate Disorganization Index on Results), statistical comparison (schizophrenia in red, bipolar in blue and control in black; Kruskal–Wallis tests: p value indicated in each title; # indicates p < 0.0063—Schizophrenia > Bipolar and Control groups; asterisk indicates p < 0.0063—Schizophrenia > Bipolar or Control groups) or classification quality (measured by AUC and Acc—classification of schizophrenia diagnosis 6 months in advance (black); Negative Symptom Severity measured by PANSS negative subscale (gray))