Fig. S1.
Raw data of pmf dependency of catalytic activity of FoF1 under various conditions; [Pi] of (A) 10 mM, (B) 1 mM, and (C) 103 μM. Open and closed circles in A are with ΔpH of 1.06 and 0.40, open and closed squares in B are of 1.04 and 1.64, and open triangles in C are 1.64. Analytical conditions for pH, [ATP], [ADP], and [Pi] are indicated in each panel. Δψ was varied as indicated. Center red open circles with error bars represent equilibrated states between ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis under the analytical condition, which were obtained from interpolating on fitted function. The pmf at the equilibrated state corresponds to pmfeq. Error bars represented in all data are SD obtained from at least three measurements.