Phtheirospermum parasitizes Arabidopsis. (A) Phtheirospermum growing alone (Pj-) or infecting (Pj+) Arabidopsis (At+) show increased Phtheirospermum size and decreased Arabidopsis size compared with uninfected controls (At-) at 30 dpi. (B) Detail image of Phtheirospermum-infecting Arabidopsis with Phtheirospermum haustorium (haust.) attachment site (HA). (C) Images of Safranin-O stained proto- and mature haustoria show differences in xylem bridge (XB) formation. (D) CFDA transport ability of 11 dpi haustoria were assayed 90 min after application of CFDA onto host leaves (asterisk). (E) Ratios of mature haustoria (brown bar) and haustoria with CFDA transport ability (green bar) (n = 35–86) were quantified for the indicated time points (Fisher Exact Test, P < 0.001). (F) A fluorescent image of a single optical plane of the haustorium 90 min after CFDA application onto a host leaf. CFDA fluorescence is green, and cell walls were stained with propidium iodide in magenta. (G) Schematic representation of F with indicated optical section of the haustorium (H), the host root above (I) or below (J) the HA. (Scale bars: A, B, and D, 1 mm; C, F, and G, 50 µm; H and I, 25 µm.)