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. 2005 Jan;71(1):207–213. doi: 10.1128/AEM.71.1.207-213.2005


Strains and plasmids

Strain or plasmid Relevant characteristics Reference or source
C. glutamicum strains
    ATCC 13032 Wild type American Type Cul- ture Collection
    ΔilvN ilvN deletion This work
    ΔilvA ΔpanB ilvA and panB deletions This work
    ilvNM13 Mutation M13 in ilvN This work
    ΔilvA ΔpanB ilvNM13 ilvA and panB deletions, muta- tion in ilvN This work
    pK19 E. coli vector, Kmr 17
    pK19B E. coli vector, Kmr, no BglII site This work
    pKK5 ilvBNC in pJC1 8
    pEC71 E. coli-C. glutamicum vector, Kmr 15
    pECKA E. coli-C. glutamicum vector, Kmr This work
    pECKAilvBNC ilvBNC in pECKA This work
    pK18mobsacB E. coli vector for integration, Kmr 23