Table 1.
Population-Weighted Efficacy of Palivizumab in Children at High Risk for Severe RSV Disease
Underlying Condition | Estimated Population Size | Estimated Annual Population Receiving Palivizumab (% of Population) | Condition-Specific Relative Risk Reduction in RSV-Related Hospitalization, % (P Value) |
Children ≤24 mo with BPD | 43,000* | 10,900 (25) | 39 (0.038) |
Children ≤24 mo with moderate/severe CHD | 19,300† | 6600 (34) | 45 (0.003) |
Preterm infants <32 wk GA and age ≤6 mo without BPD or CHD | ,44,800‡ | 36,500 (81) | 72 (0.027) |
Preterm infants 32–35 wk GA and age ≤6 mo without BPD or CHD | 159,000‡ | 23,600 (15) | 82§ (0.001) |
AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; CHD, congenital heart disease; wk GA, weeks' gestational age; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; *Data source10,12; †Data source11; ‡Data source9; §Among preterm infants 32–35 wk GA with 2012 AAP risk factors (attends child care or has ≥1 older child <5 y of age living in the same household; excluding multiple-birth siblings <1 y of age), efficacy was consistent at 93% (RSV-related hospitalization: 12.5% for placebo vs 0.9% for palivizumab; P = 0.004).