Fig 9. Lack of Poly-30S formation during PoTC disassembly.
(A) The PoTC was incubated with RRF and EF-G/GTP as in Fig 8, except that the mixture did not contain IF3, and the reaction was performed in buffer R1 and stopped by viomycin (200 μM final concentration) at 0, 3, and 15 min after the onset of the RRF reaction. After stopping the reaction, 3 pmol of PoTC was subjected to 15–35% SDGC. Sedimentation was from left to right. (B) Total RNA was extracted from the polysome in (A), and the amounts of 23S rRNA and 16S rRNA were determined using UREA-PAGE. The numbers under the gel indicate the ratio of 16S rRNA/23S rRNA in the polysome fraction.