Fig. 4.
Digestion of CO1 with the restriction enzyme, SfcI . Partial (A) and complete (B) digestion of the 500-bp CO1 amplicon by the restriction enzyme, SfcI , was used to distinguish the Southwestern (SW) haplotype from the Central (C), Western (W), and Northwestern (NW) haplotypes based on digestion pattern. SfcI digestion at CTAC/TAG generates three fragments of 201-, 177-, and 122-bp for the Central, Western, and Northwestern haplotypes. In contrast, SfcI digestion generates only two fragments of 378- and 122-bp for the Southwestern haplotype; 500-bp undigested samples for each haplotype are loaded on the right side of the 2.2% agarose gel. Marker is a 100-bp ladder (Invitrogen).