Figure 1.
A 52 year old male status post stabbing with a traumatic left lateral thoracic artery pseudoaneurysm.
Findings: A saccular, contrast-enhanced 1.4 (transverse) by 1.0 (antero-posterior) by 2.4 (craniocaudal) cm pseudoaneurysm (A) within the musculature of the left chest wall. In the surrounding soft tissue there is a heterogeneous fluid collection measuring 6.7 (transverse) by 9.4 (craniocaudal) cm, suggested of hematoma formation. Demonstrated are coronal (a), sagittal (b) and axial (c) views.
Technique: GE Healthcare Discovery CT 750HD™ chest computed tomography scan enhanced with 300 cc of intravenous iohexol solution (1.25 mm slice thickness, 5060 mAs, 120 kVp).