Fig. 3. Repeated selection on nonpigmentation genes in different capuchino species.
(A) Divergence peak for scaffold 762 (left), PCA obtained from SNPs under the peak (center), and FST values for highly divergent SNPs with gene annotations (right). The GPT2 gene is involved in alanine degradation and contains the only fixed difference (FST = 1) found in a coding region in our data set (fixed in nig versus hypox and nig versus mel). DASRA-A is a gene involved in the regulation of mitosis. (B) The divergence peak on scaffold 308 did not align reliably to a zebra finch chromosome. This peak contained the genes ME2 (involved in conversion of malate to pyruvate) and ELAC1 (involved in transfer RNA maturation). (C) The gene HERC2 was found in the peak on scaffold 430. This gene contains a regulator of the pigmentation gene OCA2. Other details as in Fig. 2.