(a) Schematic illustration of our model of a charged globular macromolecule (red sphere)
and a linear polyelectrolyte (red cylinder) immersed in an electrolyte (blue). Grey
spheres denote protons both in free solution and in the interior dielectric environment of
the globular molecule. The surface integral of an electric field,
E, over the sphere or cylinder yields the true net
(regulated) charge of the molecule, .
Far away from the molecule, the corresponding surface integral in the electrolyte goes to zero,
as a result of electroneutrality within the domain enclosing both molecule and
and —volumetric and surface charge
densities in the spherical and cylindrical cases, respectively;
and —static
constants of the protein interior and external electrolyte, respectively;
length; R—radius of the sphere or cylinder representing the molecule.
(b) Left: Graphic representation of a spherical and cylindrical molecule in 2D. The
dashed line denotes the axis of cylindrical symmetry and the grey shaded region
depicts the counterion density surrounding the molecule. Right: Spatial electrostatic potentials,
for a spherical and cylindrical molecule calculated using the non-linear PB equation.
The cases presented are those of Gusβ (top) and 60 bp dsDNA (bottom)
in 1 mM monovalent salt, pH 8.8.