Figure 5.
ET1 directly regulates the excitability of BLA pyramidal neurons through ETBRs. Viruses were injected into the BLA two weeks before the patch-clamp recordings. (a) Representative action potentials of pyramidal neurons in the BLA from mice treated with the control lentivirus, LV-ET1 shRNA and LV-ETBR. (b) Summary histogram of the firing frequency of action potentials. (c) Summary histogram of the threshold current for action potential generation. (d) Representative action potentials of pyramidal neurons in the BLA from slices treated with the control lentivirus, LV-ETBR shRNA and LV-ETBR shRNA + ET1 (probing with 300 pA current). (e) Summary histogram of the firing frequency of action potentials. (f) Summary histogram of the threshold current for action potential generation (n = 8/group). (g) Schematic illustration of the injection sites for virus in the BLA and recording sites for the mEPSCs of BLA pyramidal neurons. (h) Representative mEPSC traces of BLA pyramidal neurons treated with control lentivirus or LV-ET1 shRNA. (i) Summary histogram of the effect of LV-ET1 shRNA on the mEPSC frequencies of BLA pyramidal neurons. (j) Summary histogram of the effect of LV-ET1 shRNA on mEPSC amplitudes of BLA pyramidal neurons (n = 6/group). (k) Schematic illustration of the injection sites for LV-ET1 shRNA in the BLA and the recording sites for the mIPSCs of BLA pyramidal neurons. (l) Representative mIPSC traces of BLA pyramidal neurons treated with control lentivirus or LV-ET1 shRNA. (m) Summary histogram of the effect of LV-ET1 shRNA on mIPSC frequencies of BLA pyramidal neurons. (n) Summary histogram of the effect of LV-ET1 shRNA on mIPSC amplitudes of BLA pyramidal neurons (n = 6/group). Triangles (▴) represent pyramidal neurons. *P < 0.05, two-way ANOVA test with one factor as repeated measure for 5b and 5e, one-way ANOVA with post hoc test for 5c and 5f, student’s t test for 5m-5i and 5i–5j.