Figure 2.
Agreement between the prospective measure of time to pregnancy from Phases 1 and 2 of the Early Pregnancy Study and the time to pregnancy reported in Phase 3 (N=153). Times to pregnancy of at least 13 cycles were collapsed into a “≥13 cycles” category. Time-to-pregnancy categories were created to be nearly equidistant on a fecundability scale (1/time to pregnancy). Circle size is proportional to sample size (largest = 32 women, smallest = 1 woman). Observations within the dotted lines are “accurate” (recalled estimate of fecundability is within 25% of the prospective estimate of fecundability); center line delineates exact concordance. One woman with a prospective time to pregnancy of >6 was excluded, one woman with a recalled time to pregnancy of >3 was plotted at “3.5”.