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. 2017 May 17;37(20):5172–5182. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0521-17.2017

Table 2.

Regions in which neural recruitment was related to age

ROI Hemisphere BA MNI coordinates
x y z t-value k
Positive effect of age on neural recruitment during search
    Frontal lobe
        Dorsal prefrontal cortex L 8 −34 24 40 4.36 551
R 8 22 30 48 2.97 42
        Premotor cortex L 6 −10 −10 62 4.29 1204
        Precentral gyrus R 4 28 −14 58 3.56 237
        Lateral prefrontal cortex L 46 −36 38 14 3.50 89
R 6 60 0 38 3.24 70
R 6 60 4 14 2.99 64
        Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex L 47 −34 32 −10 2.92 36
    Temporal lobe
        Middle temporal gyrus L 39 −40 −60 30 4.32 308
L 21 −66 −38 −6 3.21 43
        Fusiform gyrus R 20 60 −30 −34 3.08 29
    Parietal lobe
        Supramarginal gyrus L 40 −58 −36 36 3.22 58
        Inferior parietal lobule L 40 −58 −44 46 3.16 66
R 40 62 −32 46 2.84 53
        Precuneus L 7 −10 −52 64 3.04 37
        Postcentral gyrus R 40 60 −24 22 2.89 52
        Anterior cingulate L 32 0 46 −12 4.26 858
        Posterior cingulate L 31 −6 −56 28 3.49 100
        Insula L 13 −58 −34 18 3.19 53
Negative effect of age on neural recruitment during search
    Frontal lobe
        Premotor cortex L 6 −50 4 54 5.49 721
L 6 0 14 52 3.75 186
L 6 −36 0 28 3.31 34
        Lateral prefrontal cortex R 9 56 28 26 4.05 300
        Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex R 8 4 38 36 3.50 65
    Temporal lobe
        Fusiform gyrus L 37 −32 −52 −18 6.11 2670
R 20 38 −42 −20 3.61 331
    Parietal lobe
        Precuneus L 7 −24 −58 42 4.11 363
R 7 30 −62 44 3.59 237
L 7 −24 −70 60 3.05 34
    Occipital lobe
        Lingual gyrus R 19 22 −70 −6 3.65 159
        Posterior cingulate L 23 0 −30 22 5.54 598
R 31 20 −64 30 3.52 235
        Claustrum L NA −30 24 0 3.36 97
Positive effect of age on neural recruitment during elaboration
    Frontal lobe
        Orbitofrontal cortex L 11 −22 36 −12 3.50 61
    Temporal lobe
        Angular gyrus L 39 −34 −74 40 3.79 365
        Superior temporal gyrus L 22 −58 −4 −10 3.30 132
    Parietal lobe
        Inferior parietal lobule L 40 −62 −28 32 4.26 1125
        Postcentral gyrus R 2 56 −20 28 3.70 461
L 2 −36 −32 72 3.29 71
L 7 −20 −46 58 3.18 117
        Precuneus R 7 12 −60 74 3.68 985
    Occipital lobe
        Fusiform gyrus R 19 34 −84 −10 5.27 2141
R 19 22 −48 2 3.17 156
L 19 −36 −64 14 2.97 55
        Middle occipital gyrus L 18 −32 −88 −6 5.15 1462
        Lingual gyrus L 17 2 −94 8 3.42 67
        Posterior cingulate L 30 −14 −58 12 3.87 885
L 31 −12 −32 48 3.76 288
R 31 4 −46 42 2.99 61
        Anterior cingulate R 32 2 48 −6 3.02 43
Positive effect of age on neural recruitment during elaboration
    Frontal lobe
        Premotor cortex L 6 −50 6 52 4.30 129
L 6 −28 6 66 3.51 78
R 6 16 4 66 3.13 61
        Lateral prefrontal cortex L 9 −58 14 26 3.02 32
    Occipital lobe
        Lingual gyrus R 18 14 −86 −2 3.16 51

Clusters significant at an uncorrected threshold of p < 0.005, k ≥ 29 voxels.

BA, Approximate Brodmann area.