Figure 1.
Elmod2 is an oocyte-prominent protein and primary GAP in mouse ovaries. (A) RT-PCR showed Elmod2 was the most abundant among all Elmo and Elmod family members in mouse oocytes. (B) Immunoblotting in ovaries at different post-natal day (PND) showed that protein level of Elmod2 significantly increased at PND3 and peaked at PND21. (C) Elmod2 was much more predominant in oocytes than in theca cells (TCs) and cumulus cells (CCs). (D) Immunoblotting showed that Elmod2 was constant from GV to MII stage. (E) Immunofluorescence in mouse oocytes showed that Elmod2 (green) was rich in nucleus of GV oocytes and concentrated within spindles regions during meiosis. DAPI in blue. (F) Immunofluorescence of oocyte at MI stage showed the co-localization of Elmod2 (green) and γ-tubulin (purple) on spindle poles. Scale bars, 20 μm.