(A) Bar chart of the eigenvalues, measuring the mean marginality explained by each factorial axes. The black bars are the chosen factorial axis, OMI1 and OMI2. (B) Canonical weights of environmental variables (FRD, froude; FST, hemisphere number; BED, bed roughness; SPS, substratum particle size, DEP, depth). (C) Representation of the statistically significant species’ realized niche positions on the first two factorial axes (Appendix S2; Table S1) (see codes in Appendix S2; Table S3). The light blue minimum convex polygons represent the habitat conditions constraint of all SUs domain. (D) The realized subniches dynamism of Caenis sp. (CASP) is the green minimum convex polygon, subsetting the realized niche, the orange dotted polygon. The arrows represent the WitOMIG. (E and F) Represent the Caenis sp. Realized subniches under the subset habitat conditions K, the dark blue polygon, subsetting the existing fundamental subniche (the yellow contour), encountered in spring and autumn for (E) and (F), respectively. The red dots represent the suborigin, GK and the arrows represent the WitOMIGK.