Table 1.
Data collection | |
X-ray source | APS 24-ID-C |
Wavelength (Å) | 0.9790 |
Space group | P212121 |
Cell dimensions (Å) | |
a, b, c (Å) | 53.4 74.5 79.7 |
Resolution (Å)∗ | 39.9–2.3 |
No. of unique reflections∗ | 57,012 (1,084) |
Rmerge (%)∗ | 4.9 (55.1) |
Mean I/σI∗ | 14.8 (2.6) |
Completeness (%)∗ | 97.0 (98.4) |
Redundancy∗ | 4.0 (4.1) |
CC1/2‡ | 0.99 (0.91) |
Refinement | |
Resolution range (Å) | 39.8–2.3 |
R/Rfree (%) | 18.2/21.1 |
Mean B-factor (Å) | 66.9 |
r.m.s.d. bond lengths (Å)§ | 0.010 |
r.m.s.d. bong angles (degrees)§ | 1.06 |
Ramachandran plot statistics (%) | |
Preferred regions | 98.2 |
Outlier | 0.0 |
PDB ID | 5UV4 |
Crystallization conditions | 12,5% PEG1000; 12,5% PEG3350; 12,5% MPD; 0.02M of each D-glucose, D-mannose, D-galactose, L-fucose, D-xylose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine; 0.1 M MOPS/HEPES-Na pH7.5 |
∗The highest resolution shell is shown in parenthesis. ‡CC1/2 indicates the percentage of correlation between intensities of random half data sets (Karplus and Diederichs, 2012). §r.m.s.d., root mean squared deviation from ideal geometry.