Improving HPs |
HPs improving communication by having empathy, listening and paying attention to their needs |
HPs exhibiting professional behaviour exemplified by being respectful, giving feedback on tests and treatments and involving patients and family in decision making |
Improving skills of HPs and building capacity for staff in lower health centres so that they are able to identify and manage HF with new effective drugs in the lower health centers and increasing number of staff trained in cardiology in all hospitals |
Improving other factors in the health system |
Improving availability of medicines, tests and investigations for HF in all hospitals. |
Providing Services for psychosocial support |
Better coordination of care to reduce delays in the emergency room and HF clinics |
Having other criteria for discharge of those admitted with HF other than using the length of stay in hospital |
Improving lower health care centers in diagnosis and treatment of HF and strengthening the referral system so as to decongest the National referral hospital so that patients could be followed up near their homes |
Introducing screening services for early identification of heart disease so that treatment can be instituted early |
Having community and home based care services to improve follow up of patients |
Investing in advanced surgical treatments for HF that were considered curative |
Health education of the public for prevention of heart disease, early referral and seeking care |
Integrating palliative care in HF care |