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. 2017 May 25;17:103. doi: 10.1186/s12883-017-0875-5

Table 1.

Information of 29 adult-onset MERS cases

Reported by, location, reference Case no. Sex, age (years) symptomsis Neurological examination Etiology
Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, China 1 M, 37 Fever, UT cervical rigidity (+) NQ
Tada et al. [1] Japan 2 F, 59 Fever, vertigo, lethargy NS NQ
3 F, 18 Fever, seizure, delirium NS NQ
4 M, 19 Fever, cough, delirium, seizure NS NQ
5 F, 25 Fever, vesicular, headache, drowsiness, nausea NS VZV
6 M, 22 Fever, hallucination, delirium NS NQ
Jun-ichi et al. [22] Japan 7 M, 31 Headache, fever, drowsiness, disorientation, memory disturbance drowsiness, disorientation, memory disturbance NQ
Jeong-Seon et al. [6] Korea 8 M, 59 Dysarthria, drowsiness,fever Normal NQ
Nida Tascilar et al. [27] Turkey 9 F, 26 Fever, headache, phonophobia, photophobia, dizziness, UT Neck stiffness (+), positive Kernig’s sign, right truncal and gait ataxia NQ
Makiko et al. [28] Japan 10 F, 23 Fever, headache, UT Unsteady gait, patellar tendon reflexes, plantar reflexes, abdominal wall reflexes diminished NQ
Henning Vollmann et al. [29] Germany 11 M, 42 Fever, vomit, headache Mild ataxia, disturbance of gait Tick-bites
Dimitri Renard et al. [30] France 12 M, 43 Stuporous state GCS E4M5V2, mutism, persistent hiccup Anti-Yo rhombenceh- halitis
Shingo Mitraki et al. [31] Japan 13 M, 29 Consciousness disturbance Drowsy, disoriented pneumonia
Hideki Shibuya et al. [10] Japan 14 M, 30 Fever, consciousness disturbance Glasgrow coma scale: E4V1M6 Mycoplasma- pneumoniae
Balasubramanyam Shankar et al. [32] India 15 F, 28 Fever, vomiting, paresthesia Drowsy, neck rigidity, up going plantar reflex NQ
Soon Young Ko et al. [33] Korea 16 M, 30 Fever, alalia dysarthra Nonfulminant hepatitis A
Makoto Hibino et al. [34] Japan 17 F, 24 Fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness of right upper extremity Right-side hemiparesis, hemianesthesia, Chaddock (+) adenovirus
Yuji Tomizawa et al. [11] Japan 18 M, 49 Fever, gait difficulty Wide-based gait, fine postural tremors, mildly exaggerate deep tendon reflexes Legionella pneumophila- serogroup 2
Robert M et al. [35] America 19 M, 41 Fever, headache, delirium, consciousness disturbance, tremor, gait instability, paresthesias, UT Slow thought, mild difficulty finding words, intention tremor of the left arm, dysmetria of lower extremities, broad-based gait ipilimumba
Jing Jing Pan et al. [36] China 20 F, 18 Fever (−) NQ
21 M, 26 Fever, acute UT Nuchal rigidity (+) NQ
22 F, 23 Fever, headache, disturbance of consciousness Kerning (+) C-section
23 M, 21 Fever, headache, acute UT, intestinal obstruction Kerning (+) NQ
Shuo Zhang et al. [37] China 24 F, 26 Headache, fever, seizure, somnolence Somnolence Mycoplasm-a
25 F, 34 Dizziness, fever, somnolence Somnolence Mumps virus
26 M,25 Headache, fever, cognitive impairment, behavioral disorders, confusion Cognitive impairment, behavioral disorders, confusion Herpes simplex virus
Eylem Degirmenci et al. [38] Turkey 27 M, 27 Headache, apathy, nausea, vomiting Bilateral papilledema, mildly altered mental status NQ
Naila Alakbarvova et al. [39] Turkey 28 M, 46 Headache, vomiting, nausea, diarrea, abdominal pain, generalized tonic-clonic seizure Confusing with time disorientation Amanita phalloides intoxication
Matthias Gawlitza et al. [40] Germany 29 F, 28 disorientated Disorientated, confusion Hemolytic uremic syndrome

M male, F female, UT urinary retention, NS no statement, NQ no required, VZV varicella zoster virus