Figure 5. DRH-1 is required for full immunity to vertical virus transmission.
(A) Brightfield and fluorescence micrographs (112X magnification) taken with a fluorescence stereo zoom microscope of a dsRED-positive embryo laid by an adult drh-1 animal infected with VSV-dsRED. (B) Differential interference contrast and fluorescence micrographs (40X magnification) of dsRED-positive embryos laid by an adult drh-1 animal infected with VSV-dsRED. (C) Mean number (+SEM) of larvae or dead embryos laid by mock- or VSV-dsRED-infected animals (n = 10 animals/treatment) 48 hpi when cultured on normal nematode growth media (control) or media containing Fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR). (D) Percentage of total embryos from (C) displaying dsRED signal. (E) Mean number of larvae or dead embryos laid by VSV-dsRED-infected animals (n = 20 animals/treatment) 48 hpi when cultured on plates containing FUdR. (F) Percentage of total embryos from (E) displaying dsRED signal. See also Figures S4–6.