Figure 1. The infant RN exhibits AS-dependent theta oscillations.
(A) Left: Representative data in a P8 rat depicting sleep and wake behavior (wake movements: horizontal red line; twitches: red ticks; manually scored), RN LFP (blue traces), and forelimb and nuchal EMGs (black traces) across behavioral states. Right: Representative time-frequency spectrogram and associated EMG activity at P8 as pup cycles in and out of AS.
(B) Same as in (A) but at P12.
(C) Mean power spectra of LFP activity in the RN of P8 (11 pups, dashed lines) and P12 (n = 11 pups, continuous lines) rats during AW (red), BQ (green), and AS (blue).
(D) Mean (+ SE) theta ratio for P8 and P12 rats during AW, BQ, and AS. Asterisk indicates significant difference from other behavioral states at P12, p < 0.002.