(A) Illustration depicting electrode placements in the hippocampus and RN and microsyringe placement in the MS.
(B) Experimental timeline and representative coronal Nissl-stained brain section (left) and corresponding section showing diffusion of fluorescent muscimol in the MS (right). LV = lateral ventricle; ac = anterior commissure.
(C) Representative dual LFP recordings during AS in a P12 rat from the hippocampus (purple traces) and RN (red traces) and corresponding time-frequency spectrograms. (D) Left: Averaged LFP power spectra during AS in the hippocampus (top) and RN (bottom) before (Pre) and after (Post) infusion of either muscimol (MUS; 6 pups) or saline (SAL; 6 pups) into the MS. Right: Mean (+ SE) theta ratios during AS in the hippocampus (top) and RN (bottom) before and after infusion of muscimol or saline into the MS. Asterisks indicate significant difference from Pre, p < 0.02.
See also Figure S3, Figure S4, and Table S1.