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. 2017 May 26;12(5):e0177926. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177926

Table 4. Sensor and data source for lung sound analysis.

Ref Year Data Source # Sensor Sensor Position Total Data
Sensor Database Neck Anterior Posterior Mouth Multiple
[37] 2016 [114] - 1 95 recordings
[38] 2016 custom - 1 227 recordings
171 normal
33 wheeze
19 crackle
4 w&c
[39] 2016 [122] ATS, COPD 1 N/M 112 recordings
70 wheeze
42 normal
[40] 2016 [115]
- 1 18 volunteers
9 asthmatic
9 normal
3036 segments
568 wheeze
2468 normal
[41] 2016 [116] - 5 870 events
1494 segments
[42] 2016 [122] - 1 20 volunteers
40 recordings
400 crackle events
[43] 2016 Electronic - 1 3120 short recordings
1560 normal
1560 abnormal
[44] 2016 - [129] N/A 36 recordings
318 events
[45] 2016 - [124] [138] [139] N/A 30 volunteers
72 events
[46] 2016 [140] - 14 600 events
200 crackle
200 normal
200 wheeze
[47] 2015 custom - 1 38 patients
57 recording
28 normal
26 wheeze
3 crackle
[48] 2015 Condenser
[128] 1 20 recordings and additional data
[49] 2015 [115]
- 1 58 recordings
[50] 2015 N/M [127] N/M 45 recordings
[51] 2015 N/M 41 recordings
[52] 2015 Piezoelectric
- 1 130 recordings
66 patient
64 healthy
3140 events
1567 abnormal
1573 normal
[53] 2015 [123] - 1 45 recordings
[54] 2015 [121] - 1 12 volunteers
113 wheeze events
[55] 2015 - [129] [130] N/A 28 recordings
[56] 2015 [119]
- 1 N/M 24 recordings
[57] 2015 [140] - 14 40 recordings
20 healthy
10 obstructive
10 restrictive
[58] 2015 - [124] N/A 26 recordings
17 wheeze
9 normal
1188 segments
898 normal
290 wheeze
[59] 2015 [140] - 14 7 volunteers
231 events
[60] 2015 Piezoelectric
- 1 230 recordings
115 normal
115 abnormal
[61] 2015 [117] [125] [126] 3 260 segments
[62] 2015 [121] - 1 100 events
[63] 2014 - [130] [131] [133] N/A 9 recordings
Total Data N/M
[64] 2014 [120] - 1 60 volunteers
[65] 2014 [140] [129] [131] [132] 1 339 events
239 events
[66] 2014 N/M 371 recordings
[67] 2014 - [124] N/A 2 recordings
[68] 2014 [138] [139] 1 30 recordings
120 events
[69] 2014 - [124] N/A 13 events
[70] 2014 - [124] N/A 68 recordings
[71] 2014 - [129] N/A 92 events
27 normal
31 crackle
34 wheeze
[72] 2013 - 7 60 volunteers
345 recordings
[73] 2013 N/M 6 events
[74] 2013 [119] - 1 40 recordings
[75] 2013 - [124] N/A 68 recordings
[76] 2013 [140] - 14 26 volunteers
6000 segments
[77] 2013 soft - 1 8 volunteers
59 recordings
[78] 2012 [119] - 1 28 recordings
[79] 2012 Piezoelectric
- 1 126 recordings
63 normal
63 abnormal
723 events
351 normal
372 abnormal
[80] 2012 - [124] N/A 47 recordings
[81] 2012 N/M 180 segments
98 normal
82 wheezes
[82] 2012 - ACCP N/A 10 short recordings
33 crackle events
[83] 2012 N/M 26 recordings
[84] 2012 N/M 433 segments
[85] 2012 [140] [129] [131] [132] 1 47 recordings
689 events
[86] 2011 [140] [129] [131] [132] 1 585 events
[87] 2010 - [124] N/A 4-7 recordings each class
[88] 2010 [140] - 5 21 volunteers
393 wheeze events
[89] 2009 [140] - 14 7 volunteers
492 segments
[90] 2009 - [124] N/A 24 recordings
2807 segments
[91] 2009 Electronic - 1 36 recordings
360 events
[92] 2009 - [129] [132] [134] [135] N/A 25 recordings
9 FC
8 CC
8 Squawk
96 segments
32 FC
32 CC
32 squawk
[93] 2009 Condenser piezoelectric - 1 162 volunteers
1544 events
[94] 2009 - [124] N/A 40 events
28 recordings
112 events
[95] 2009 - [129] N/A 17 recordings
[96] 2008 [140] - 1 65 volunteers
[97] 2008 - [125] N/A 40 events
21 normal
19 wheeze
[98] 2008 [141] [129] [132] 1 14 volunters
186 events
100 normal
86 wheeze
[99] 2007 ECM
- 1 30 volunteers
[100] 2007 - [129] [131] [142] N/A 18 recordings
5 FC
5 CC
4 normal
4 wheeze
182 crackle events
[101] 2007 [141] - 5 13 volunteers
422 wheeze events
[102] 2005 Electret - 2 57 volunteers
18 Obstructive
19 Restrictive
20 healthy
[103] 2005 [115] - 1 16 volunteers
12 asthmatic
4 healthy
[104] 2005 - 25 29 volunteers
10 healthy
19 patients
[105] 2005 N/M 2 volunteers
391 events
238 CC
153 FC
[106] 2004 Piezoelectric - 1 31 volunteers
16 asthmatic
15 healthy
[107] 2000 LS-60 [129] [131] 2 2127+321 events
788+251 abnormal
1360+70 normal
[108] 1997 - ACCP N/A 2 recordings
[109] 1997 - 2 69 volunteers
28 obstructive
23 restrictive
18 healthy
[110] 1996 N/M 13 volunteers
4 healthy
9 patients
5000 segments
[111] 1995 N/M 710 segments
375 wheeze
335 normal
[112] 1992 - 1 N/M 9 patients
[113] 1984 - [136] N/A 147 events

denotes microphone,

denotes stethoscope,

denotes accelerometer

ATS: American Thoracic Society website, COPD: COPD website

ACCP: American College Chest Physician teaching tape

N/A: Not Applicable, N/M: Not Mentioned