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. 2017 May 26;12(5):e0177926. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177926

Table 5. Data, features, and methods of analysis.

Ref Year Data Set Features Method Performance
Training Validation Test Total
[37] 2016 70 Rec, 20 W, 50 N 25 Rec, 7 W, 18 N 39 Rec, 10 W, 29 N 95 Rec Spectral features (PSD mean, harmonics) SVM, LRM 71.4% Se, 88.9% Sp, for SVM on validation set at Rec level
[38] 2016 5-fold CV 227 Rec Denoising autoencoders SVM 90% Se, 64% Sp for W Rec level and 90% Se, 44% Sp for C Rec level
[39] 2016 N/A 112 Rec 112 Rec Rule-based Seg selection, Power Ratio Threshold 90% Se, 90.48% Sp at Rec level
[40] 2016 N/M 3036 Seg MFCC GMM 88.1% Se, 99.5% Sp at Seg level
[41] 2016 65% 10-fold CV 35% 870 Ev Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Instantaneous Frequency SVM 94.2% Se, 96.1% Sp, for SVM on best iteration of test set at Ev level
[42] 2016 10-fold CV LOOCV 400 Ev Musical features, wavelet-based, teager energy, entropy LRM 76 ± 23% Se, 77 ± 22% PPV at Seg level
[43] 2016 LOOCV 3120 Rec MFCC HMM Best Acc at Seg level 82.82%, average Acc of 87.7% at Rec level
[44] 2016 219 Ev, 71 N, 39 FC, 39 CC, 35 mono W, 35 poly W 40 holdout CV 99 Ev, 31 N, 18 FC, 18 CC, 16 mono W, 16 poly W 318 Ev Higher Order Statistics (Cumulants) GA + k-NN and NB 94.6% Overall Acc on test set at Ev level
[45] 2016 LOOCV 72 Ev LFCC, MFCC, IMFCC, and LPCC MLP 97.83% best Overall Acc using MFCC at Ev level
[46] 2016 LOOCV 600 Ev Energy of High Q-Factor Wavelet coefficients k-NN, SVM 95.17% average Acc for SVM at Ev level
[47] 2015 LOOCV 57 Rec Peak to mean ratio, expected number of false positives Threshold+SVM 86% Acc on Rec level
[48] 2015 20 Rec - Multiple sets > 20 Rec 13 MFCC each with first and second derivatives k-NN Performance of 6 different types of test reported as Acc
[49] 2015 23 Rec, 13 W, 10 N - 35 Rec, 19 W, 16 N 58 Rec Duration, frequency range, area, power, and slope of spectrum BPNN 94.6% Se, 100% Sp at Rec level
[50] 2015 N/A 45 Rec 45 Rec Entropy-based Features Threshold 99% Acc Stridor, 70% Acc W, 87% Acc C, 99% Acc N, at Rec level
[51] 2015 41 Rec 41 Rec Spectral features GMM 92.85% Se, 100% Sp at Rec level
[52] 2015 LOOCV 130 Rec MFCC, correlation score with other auscultation point and other Seg HMM Best Acc of 92.26% at Ev level and best Acc of 91% at Rec level
[53] 2015 21 Rec, 5 W, 21 Non-W 20%-80% Train Validation Set repeated 20 times Leave-one-out CV 45 Rec MFCC, Kurtosis, Entropy 2 SVM + Threshold 97.68% Reliability (TPR.TNR) using MFCC at Seg level
[54] 2015 10-fold CV 113 Ev Musical features and spectrogram signature LRM, RF 90.9% ± 2% Se, 99.4% ± 1% Sp for RF at Seg level
[55] 2015 70% of data 15% of data 15% of data 28 Rec Averaged Power Spectrum ANN 97.8% Se, 100% Sp on test set at Ev level
[56] 2015 N/A 24 Rec 24 Rec Fractal Dimension, CORSA criterion for Crackle Threshold Average Se of 89 ± 10%, PPV of 95 ± 11% at Ev level for different Rec
[57] 2015 LOOCV 40 Rec AR Model GMM, SVM 90% best total Acc for GMM on Rec level
[58] 2015 LTOCV 1188 Seg MFCC, WPT, FT C-Weighted SVM 81.5 ± 10% Se, 82.6 ± 7% Sp for MFCC features on Seg level
[59] 2015 N/M 231 Ev Quartile Frequency Ratios, Mean Crossing Irregularity SVM, k-NN, NB 75.78% best Overall Acc for kNN at Ev level
[60] 2015 LOOCV 230 Rec MFCC Subject adaptation HMM 89.4% Se, 80.9% Sp at Ev level and 90.4% Se, 78.3% Sp at Rec level
[61] 2015 10-fold CV 260 Seg Audio Spectral Envelope and Tonality Index SVM 93% Overall Acc at Seg level
[62] 2015 N/A 100 Ev, 50 C, 50 N 100 Ev Mathematical morphology Threshold 86% Se, 92% Sp at Ev level
[63] 2014 N/M Delay Coordinate Threshold 98.39% Acc at Ev level
[64] 2014 5-fold CV 60 Vol frequency ratio, average instantaneous frequency, eigenvalues SVM Individual Acc reported for all case of one-versus-one and one-versus-all for all features at Rec level
[65] 2014 LOOCV 578 Ev Instantaneous Kurtosis, Discriminanting Function, Sample Entropy SVM 97.7% Mean Acc (Inhale), 98.8% Mean Acc (exhale) at Ev level
[66] 2014 371 Ev 371 Rec Centroid, time duration, slope, and area ratio of spectrum SVM 88.7% Se, 93.9% Sp at Rec level
[67] 2014 LOOCV 2 Rec Teager energy, wavelet, fractal dimension, empirical mode decomposition, entropy, and GARCH process LRM MCC of 80% at Seg level
[68] 2014 5-fold CV 120 Ev Lacunarity, sample entropy, skewness, and kurtosis SVM, ELM 86.30% Se, 86.90% Sp for ELM at Ev level
[69] 2014 LOOCV 13 Ev MFCC MLP 100% Acc W, 75% Acc C, 80% Acc N at Ev level
[70] 2014 10-fold CV 68 Rec MFCC SVM, k-NN 100% Acc N, 100% Acc AOP, 96% Acc PP for kNN at Rec level
[71] 2014 60 Ev 14 Ev 18 Ev 92 Ev Wavelet packet transform ANN 98.89% best average Acc for Symlet-10 wavelet base at Ev level on test set
[72] 2013 75%-25% Train Validation Set repeated 6 times 345 Rec Spectrogram evaluation for W, db5 Wavelet degree of similarity for C ANN 80% Se, 67% Sp at Rec level
[73] 2013 N/A 6 Ev 6 Ev Time Frequency Analysis and Wavelet Packet Decomposition Threshold All Ws detected
[74] 2013 N/A 40 Rec 40 Rec Time Frequency Analysis Threshold 99.2% Se, 72.5% Sp at Ev level
[75] 2013 60%-40% Train Validation Set repeated 25 times 68 Rec MFCC SVM 94.11% Acc N, 92.31% Acc AOP, 88% Accruacy PP, for SVM at Rec level
[76] 2013 2000 Seg, 1000 N, 1000 C 2000 Seg, 1000 N, 1000 C 2000 Seg, 1000 N, 1000 C 6000 Seg Time Frequency Analysis (Spectrogram), Time Scale Analysis (Wavelet) SVM, MLP, k-NN 97.5% Overall Acc rate for SVM using Time Frequency Analysis at Seg level
[77] 2013 N/A 59 Rec 59 Rec Correlation Coefficient Threshold 88% Se, 94% Sp at Rec level
[78] 2012 10-fold CV 28 Rec Cortical Model SVM 89.44% Se, 80.50% Sp at Rec level
[79] 2012 LOOCV 126 Rec, 723 Ev Power, spectral features, and duration distribution HMM 88.7% Se, 91.5% Sp at Ev level and 87% Se, 81% Sp at Rec level
[80] 2012 N/A 47 Rec 47 Rec Local similarity measure using Mutual Information, Weighted cepstral features Threshold High Acc for local similarity measure and separability index of 1 for weighted cepstral
[81] 2012 N/A 180 Seg 180 Seg fractional Hilbert transform Threshold Acc of 90.5% at Seg level
[82] 2012 N/A 33 C Ev 33 Ev fractional Hilbert transform and correlation coefficient Threshold Se 94.28%, PPV 97.05% at Ev level
[83] 2012 N/A 26 Rec, 13 N, 13 W 26 Rec LPC prediction error ratio Threshold 70.9% Se, 98.6% Sp at Ev level
[84] 2012 N/A 433 Seg 433 Seg Abnormality level Threshold 84.5% Acc at Seg level
[85] 2012 50%-50% Train Validation Set repeated 100 times 689 Ev Multi-scale PCA (Wavelet) Empirical Classification 97.3% ± 2.7% Overall Acc for N vs CAS, 98.34% Overall Acc for N vs CAS+DAS at Ev level
[86] 2011 LOOCV 585 Ev Temporal-Spectral Dominance spectrogram k-NN 92.4% ± 2.9% Overall Acc at Ev level
[87] 2010 LOOCV 4-7 Rec Each MFCC GMM 52.5% Overall Acc on validation
[88] 2010 N/A 21 Vol, 393 W Ev 393 Ev Continuous Wavelet Transform Man-Whitney U Test Significance test for features
[89] 2009 LOOCV 492 Seg Kurtosis, Renyi entropy, frequency power ratio, Mean crossing irregularity FDA 93.5% Overall Acc at Seg level
[90] 2009 LOOCV 2807 Seg Fourier Transform, LPC, Wavelet Transform, MFCC VQ, GMM, ANN 94.6% Se, 91.9% Sp for GMM using MFCC at Seg level
[91] 2009 180 Ev - 180 Ev 360 Ev averaged power spectrum MLP, GAL, ISNN Overall Acc of 98% for ISNN at Ev level
[92] 2009 75%-25% train-test split repeated 200 times 362 Ev Lacunarity Discriminant Analysis 99.75% maximum mean Acc at Seg level
[93] 2009 LOOCV 1544 Ev MFCC HMM 93.2% Se, 64.8% Sp at Ev level
[94] 2009 40 Ev, 20 W, 20 N - 28 Rec, 112 Ev, 40 W, 72 N 152 Ev Amplitude and Frequency of largest edge of pre-processed spectrogarm MLP 86.1% Se, 82.5% Sp on test set at Ev level
[95] 2009 N/A 17 Rec 17 Rec Entropy-based features Threshold 84.4% Se, 80% Sp at Rec level
[96] 2008 40 Vol LOOCV 25 Vol 65 Vol AR Coefficients k-NN, Minimum Distance-based 92% Se, 100% Sp using k-NN on test set at Rec level
[97] 2008 N/A 40 Ev 40 Ev Peak selection based on time duration Threshold 84% Se, 86% Sp at Ev level
[98] 2008 N/A 186 Ev 186 Ev Distortion in Histogram of Sample Entropy Threshold 97.9% Acc Expiration, 85.3% Acc Inspiration at Ev level
[99] 2007 N/M 870 Ev MFCC GMM Acc 94.9% at Seg level
[100] 2007 N/A 18 Rec 182 C Ev Fractal Dimension Threshold 92.9% Se, 94.4% PPV at Ev level, 93.9% best Acc for classification
[101] 2007 3 Vol, 85 W Ev - 10 Vol, 337 W Ev 422 W Ev Peak selection based on local maxima, coexistence, continuity, grouping Threshold Se 95.5 ± 4.8%, Sp 93.7 ± 9.3% at Ev level on test set
[102] 2005 50%-50% train-test Seg from same Ev split 57 Vol AR parameters and Cepstral Coefficients MLP 10-20% average misclassification error on test set at Ev level for cepstral features
[103] 2005 N/A 16 Vol 16 Vol spectrogram image Edge Detection Se and Sp above 89%
[104] 2005 912 Seg 114 Seg 114 Seg 1140 Seg multi-variate AR model BPNN 80.7% Se, 84.21% Sp at Seg level on validation set
[105] 2005 160 Ev, 80 CC, 80 FC - 231 Ev, 158 CC, 73 FC 391 Ev wavelet network Discriminant Function 84% and 70% Acc for FC and CC respectively on test set at Ev level
[106] 2004 N/A 31 Vol 31 Vol energy Threshold 100% Se and Sp for a high airflow and 71% Se, 88.2% Sp for low airflow, at Ev level
[107] 2000 1253 Ev, 509 Ab, 744 N repeated 5 times 1195 Ev, 530 Ab, 665 N 2448 Ev averaged power spectrum BPNN Best Se 59%, 81% Sp for recorded sound and Se 87%, 95% Sp for CD data at Ev level for Ab vs N respiratory sound classification
[108] 1997 N/A 2 Rec 2 Rec Matched wavelet Threshold Detection Acc of 99.8% and classification Acc of almost 100% at Seg level
[109] 1997 LOOCV 69 Vol AR model, crackle parameters k-NN, multinomial, voting Overall Acc of 71.07% at Rec level to classify pathology
[110] 1996 50%-50% training-test split 13 Vol Wavelet packet decomposition LVQ (ANN Variant) 59% Se, 24% PPV for FC, 19% Se, 6% PPV for CC, and 58% Se, 18% PPV for W at Seg level
[111] 1995 242 Seg, 128 W, 114 N - 2 test set: 233 Seg, 107 W, 126 N, and 235 Seg, 140 W, 95 N 710 Seg Power spectrum BPNN, RBF, SOM, LVQ Overall Acc of 93% and 96% on the two sets by using LVQ at Seg level
[112] 1992 N/A 9 Vol 9 Vol Energy envelope, Crackle characteristics Threshold, Hierarchical clustering 100% Acc on classifying FC vs CC at Ev level
[113] 1984 42 Ev, 6 for each types - 105 Ev, 10-15 for each types 147 Ev LPC Clustering (Minimum Distance) Overall Acc of 95.24% at Ev level

Rec: Recording, Ev: Event, Seg: Segment

W: Wheeze, FC: Fine Crackle, CC: Coarse Crackle, N: Normal, Ab: Abnormal, Vol: Volunteer

CV: Cross-Validation, Se; Sensitivity, Sp: Specificity, PPV: Positive Predictive Value, Acc: Accuracy

N/A: Not Applicable, N/M: Not Mentioned