Table 2.
Distribution of patients according to clinical and radiological features
Case number | Clinical features | Radiological features | Pre-operative FNAC/HPE |
1 | ~5 × 3 cm2swelling over right angle of mandible for 4 years | Well defined multi-loculated lytic lesion over right angle of mandible with soap bubble appearance | Not done |
2 | ~7.5 × 5 cm2 swelling over right ramus of mandible for 9 years | Well defined multi-loculated lytic lesion over right ramus of mandible with soap bubble appearance | HPE—ameloblastoma |
3 | Swelling over right cheek and right half of palate for 4 years, right nasal obstruction with intermittent epistaxis for 2 years | ~8 × 6 cm2 expansile bony mass with ground glass appearance involving right maxillary sinus andnasal cavity | Not done |
4 | ~8 × 6.5 cm2 swelling over left angle and ramus of mandible for 2 years, pain for 3 months | Well capsulated mass over left ramus of mandible with bony septations | FNAC—inconclusive |
5 | ~5 × 4 cm2 swelling over left cheek for 3 years | Expansile mass with calcified matrix involving left maxillary sinus and nasal cavity | Not done |
6 | ~4 × 3 cm2 swelling over left angle of mandible for 31/2 years | Well defined multi-loculated lytic lesion over left angle of mandible with soap bubble appearance | Not done |
7 | ~6 × 4 cm2 swelling over left angle of mandible for 5 years | Well-defined circular radio-opacity at left body and angle of mandible | Not done |
8 | ~9 × 6 cm2 swelling in right lower jaw for last 21/2 years and pain for last 6 months | Expansile osteolytic lesion in the right side of body of mandible | Not done |
9 | ~3 × 3 cm2 swelling over left cheek for 11/2 years | Well capsulated mass in left maxilla with bony septations | Not done |
10 | Headache for 2 years | Bony mass with ground glass appearance involving right posterior ethmoids | Not done |
11 | ~5×4 cm2 swelling over left angle of mandible for 7 years | Multi-loculated lytic lesion over left angle of mandible with ill-defined borders | FNAC—ameloblastoma |
12 | ~3 × 2 cm2 swelling over chin for 41/2 years | Well defined multi-loculated lytic lesion over body of mandible with soap bubble appearance | Not done |
13 | ~2.5 × 2 cm2 firm swelling over left cheek for 2 years, left sided proptosis for 1 year | Heterogeneously enhancing growth involving left maxillary sinus and left nasal cavity with destruction of medial wall and floor of left maxillary sinus | HPE—malignant round cell tumour IHC—PNET |
14 | Right sided nasal obstruction and Epistaxis for 1 year, right cheek swelling and proptosis for 6 months | ~7 × 5 cm2osteolyticmultiloculated lesion in right maxilla | HPE—haemangio-pericytoma |
15 | ~4 × 4 cm2 swelling over chin for 6 years | Well defined multi-loculated lytic lesion over body of mandible with soap bubble appearance | Not done |