Table 2.
Results of the PubMed search for long-term studies (≥5 days) with eligible data published between 2014 and 2016 on continuous closed-loop versus open-loop control during the day
Study | Included (N) | HbA1c (%) | Evaluated (N) |
Observation period | Physical activity during CL period | CL period | CGM | Algorithm | Defined glucose range (mmol/L) |
Time in hypoglycemia (%) | Time in euglycemia (%) |
Time in hyperglycemia (%) |
OL | CL | ||||||||||||
Leelarathna [35] | 21 adults | 7.6 | 17 | 7 d | 7 d | Advised not to drive or to undertake strenuous physical exercise under CL, but usual daily activities were allowed |
83.0% of the total time (day and night) |
FreeStyle Navigator; Abbott |
Control to range MPC | [3.9, 10] | – | 72.5 CL vs 65.4 OL (s)# | – |
Thabit [30] | 33 adults | 8.5 | 32 CL, 33 OL | 12 w | 12 w | CL not used during physical activity during the initial 2 weeks | 08.00–24.00 | FreeStyle Navigator, Abbott | Control to range MPC | [3.9, 10] | 3.0 CL vs 2.7 OL (ns) | 62.9 CL vs 56.2 OL (s) | 33.9 CL vs 39.7 OL (s) |
De Bock [37] | 8 adults/adolescents | 7.5 | 8 | 5 d | 5 d | NR | NI | Enlite II, MiniLink REAL-time sensor,Medtronic | PID | [4.0, 9.9] | NI | 66.7 CL vs 57.5 OL (ns)# | NI |
Renard [31] | 20 adults | 8.2 | 20 | 1 m | 1 m | NR | 08.00–20.00 | G4 Platinum, Dexcom | Control to target MPC | [3.9, 10] | 2.3 CL vs 3.4 OL (s) | 64.9 CL vs 60.7 OL (ns) | 32.8 CL vs 35.8 OL (ns) |
The studies had no restrictions regarding meals
s significant, p ≤ 0.05
ns nonsignificant, p > 0.05
HbA1c values and values for the percentage of time that glucose was within the defined range are reported as mean values unless they are labeled as median values
#Median, d days, w weeks, m months, CGM continuous glucose measurement, CL closed loop, OL open loop, NR no restrictions, NS not specified, MPC model predictive control, PID-IFB proportional integral derivative insulin feedback, NI no information