Figure 2.
Expression of fgl2. A. Myocardium from the four groups showing immunohistochemical staining for fgl2 (magnification, ×400; bar = 100 µm). Blue arrows indicate coronary arterioles (vessels <100 µm in diameter). B. Effects of PGE1 showing decreased expression of fgl2. Both PGE1(H) and PGE1(L) pretreatments prevented the increased fgl2 expression induced by CME. All values are means ± S.E.M. (n = 10 per group). **P<0.01 vs Sham group. ##P<0.01 vs CME group. C. Correlation analysis between serum fgl2 and SOD levels. A total of 20 data points was analyzed, showing a significant correlation (P<0.01, linear regression, n = 20). D. Correlation analysis between serum fgl2 and CAT levels, showing a significant correlation (P<0.01, linear regression, n = 35).