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. 2017 May 1;23(5):331–339. doi: 10.1089/acm.2016.0336

Table 3.

Study Characteristics Arranged by Intervention Type and Author

Study Design Intervention description Age (years) Dropout rate Outcomes Results
Bogels et al. (2008) Quasi-experimental Children (n = 14) taught mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and parents taught mindful parenting in parallel for 8 weeks with 8-week follow-up
Control: waitlist
11–17 35.7% Personal goals (GAS—parent- and self-report); behavior symptoms (CBCL, D2, YSR, CSBQ, SCRS); QOL (SHS, PedsQL); Mindful awareness (MAAS) Child and parent GAS ratings improved (p < 0.001). Improvement on YSR (p = 0.001), D2 and SCRS (p < 0.05), happiness (p < 0.05), and mindful awareness (p < 0.05). No changes in CBCL, CSBQ, or QOL.
Chan et al. (2013) RCT Nei Yang Gong/Dejian (n = 23) for 4 weeks with 2-week follow-up
Control: PMR (n = 23)
6–17 13.0% Self-control (TOL, CCTT, FPT); behavior (ATEC (parent rated); self-control, temper tantrum, and rigid thoughts/act questionnaires) All self-control measures improved (p < 0.01). All ATEC subscales, except speech/language, improved (p < 0.05). Temper outburst improved (p = 0.026), but not obsessive behavior or verbal expression.
de Bruin et al. (2015) Cohort Mindfulness training (MYmind), parents (n = 29) and adolescents (n = 23) taught in parallel for 9 weeks with 9-week follow-up
Control: none
11–23 9.6% Rumination (RRS), worry (PSQW), autism symptoms (AQ), QOL (WHO-5); mindfulness (MAAS-A); social responsiveness (SRS—parent rated) Improvement on RRS (p < 0.05) and WHO-5 (p < 0.05). No changes on PSWQ, AQ, or MAAS-A. SRS score improved at follow-up (p < 0.001), but not immediately post intervention.
Hwang et al. (2015) Cohort Mindfulness training for 8 weeks. Mothers learned, then taught children (n = 6) at home for 3 weeks with 12 months of practice
Control: none
8–15 16.7% Problem behaviors (CBCL) Total problems on CBCL decreased after parent mindfulness training (p = 0.046). Child mindfulness training reduced anxiety (p = 0.039) and thought problem (p = 0.043) subscales.
Kiep et al. (2014) Cohort Mindfulness-based therapy (n = 50) for 9 weeks with 9-week follow-up
Control: none
20–65 16.0% Psychological symptoms (SCL-90-R, RRQ, GMS) Overall main effect of time (p = 0.027) and for all scales and subscales, except hostility
Koenig et al. (2012) Quasi-experimental Yoga in school classroom (n = 25) for 16 weeks
Control: Usual classroom activity (n = 24)
5–12 2.1% Behavior (ABC-C—parent and teacher rated) Decreased ABC-C score for teacher rated (p = 0.029) but not parent rated (p = 0.564)
Neece (2013) RCT Parents trained in mindfulness-based stress reduction for 8 weeks. Children (n = 19) observed for changes
Control: waitlist (n = 16)
2.5–5 0% Child behavior problems (CBCL) Improved attention deficit/hyperactivity subscale (p < 0.05), but no other changes
Pahnke et al. (2014) Quasi-experimental (randomized by classroom) ACT (n = 15)—school setting for 6 weeks with 2-month follow-up
Control: waitlist (n = 13)
13–21 0% Stress (SSS—teacher reported and self-reported); behavior (SDQ—teacher reported and self-reported); psychological distress (BYI) No differences in self- or teacher-reported SSS or SDQ, or BYI
Radhakrishna (2010) Cohort Yoga (n = 6) for 10 months
Control: none
8–14 0% Imitation behavior rated on three-point scale (parent report) Improved imitation behaviors by up to 1.7 points (statistics NR)
Radhakrishna et al. (2010) Quasi-experimental Yoga (n = 6) for 82 weeks
Control: none
8–14 0% Child behavior (ARI-E-2 checklist, ITB, RSBTB—parent and teacher reports) Improvements in receptive skills, imitation skills, and self-injurious behavior (statistics NR)
Rosenblatt et al. (2011) Cohort Combined yoga, dance, music therapy for 8 weeks (n = 33)
Control: none
3–18 27.2% Child behavior (BASC-2, ABC) Improvement on BASC-2 Behavioral Symptom Index subscale (p = 0.04) but not on other subscales. No change on ABC.
Singh et al. (2006) Multiple baseline Mindful parenting, mothers (n = 3) trained for 12 weeks with 52 weeks of practice and variable follow-up
Control: none
4–6 0% Aggression, noncompliance, and self-injury behaviors (parent report) Decreased frequency (statistics NR)
Singh, Lancioni, Singh, et al. (2011) Multiple baseline Meditation: children (n = 3) taught by mothers, 5 days of training, up to 24 weeks of practice with 4-year follow-up
Control: none
13–18 0% Physical aggression (self-report and sibling/parent report) Decreased frequency (statistics NR)
Singh Lancioni, Manikam, et al. (2011) Multiple baseline Meditation: children (n = 3) taught by mothers, 5 days of training, up to 30 weeks of practice, 3-year follow-up
Control: none
14–17 0% Physical aggression (sibling/parent report) Decreased frequency (statistics NR)
Singh et al. (2014) Multiple baseline Mindfulness-based positive behavior support: children (n = 3) taught by mothers, 8 weeks of training, up to 37 weeks of practice
Control: none
15–19 0% Aggression, compliance, disruptive behavior (parent report) Aggression and disruptive behaviors decreased frequency. Compliance increased frequency (statistics NR).
Spek et al. (2013) RCT Mindfulness-based therapy (n = 21) for 9 weeks
Control: waitlist (n = 21)
18–65 2.3% Mood, rumination, affect (SCL-90-R, RRQ, GMS) Improvement for depression (p = 0.02), anxiety (p = 0.02), positive affect (p = 0.02), and rumination (p < 0.001)

ABC, Aberrant Behavior Checklist; ABC-C, Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community; ACC, Anterior Cingulate Cortex; ACT, Acceptance Commitment Therapy; ARI-E-2 checklist, Autism Research Institute E-2 checklist; AQ, Autism Quotient; ATEC, Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist; BASC-2, Behavioral Assessment System for Children; BYI, Beck Youth Inventories; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist; CCTT, Children's Color Trails Test; CSBQ, Children's Social Behavior Questionnaire; D2, D2 Test of Attention; FPT, Five Point Test; GAS, Goal Attainment Scale; GMS, Dutch Global Mood Scale; ITB, imitation test battery; MAAS, Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale; MAAS-A, Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale-Adolescent; PedsQL, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory; PMR, progressive muscle relaxation; PSWQ, Penn State Worry Questionnaire; QOL, quality of life; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RRQ, Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire; RRS, Ruminative Response Scale; RSBTB, repetitive stereotyped behavior test battery; SCL-90-R, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised; SCRS, Self-Control Rating Scale; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires; SHS, Subjective Happiness Scale; SRS, Social Responsiveness Scale; SSS, Stress Survey Schedule; TOL, Tower of London Test; WHO-5, World Health Organization-Five Well-Being Index; YSR, Youth Self Report.