T-705 significantly increases the mutation frequency of CVB3. Wild-type (A), high-fidelity A372V (B), and low-fidelity A239G (C) viruses were either mock treated (open bars) or treated with T-705 (light gray bars) or ribavirin (dark gray bars) at concentrations equal to the corresponding EC50s and subjected to whole-genome deep sequencing. The frequency of transition mutations occurring at each A, C, G, and U was calculated and used to determine the mean frequency and SEM. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P = 0.0006; ****, P < 0.0001; two-tailed paired t test; n = 1,416 (A to G), n = 1,169 (C to U); n = 988 (G to A); n = 1,182 (U to C).