Figure 1.
Group differences in resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) of the ventral striatum (VS) (pcorrected<.01), and the correlation with score of impulsivity in IGD. (A) VS seed in a coronal section (with MNI coordinates ±9, 9, −8). (B) The IGD subjects had significantly higher VS connectivity with three brain regions: rIFG (right inferior frontal gyrus), lMFG (left middle frontal gyrus), and lIPL (left inferior parietal lobule). Clusters are color-coded based on uncorrected P-values. IGD: individuals with Internet gaming disorder. (C) Scatter plot depicting positive correlation between score of BIS-11 and rsFC of VS with lIPL and (D) lMFG in IGD. BIS-11: Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-version 11; VS- lIPL Connectivity: the strength of rsFC between VS and lIPL; VS-lMFG Connectivity: the strength of rsFC between VS and lMFG. Lines represent the best-fit regressions.