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. 2017 May 30;11:279. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00279

Table 2.

Cortical sources of the components of the noun-evoked event-related fields (ERFs) in verb generation task.

Time points (ms) Region MNI coordinates ~BA
100 R. Striate cortex 13 −102 −6 BA 17
140 L. Inferior occipital gyrus −37 −89 −12 BA 18
200 L. Fusiform gyrus −36 −76 −17 BA 19
250 L. Inferior temporal area −36 −2 −39 BA 20
300 L. Inferior frontal gyrus −50 15 −6 BA 47
400 L. Middle temporal gyrus −61 −15 −6 BA 21
500 R. Middle temporal gyrus 68 −32 −4 BA 21

Time points corresponds to the peaks of ERFs components. Cortical coordinates in MNI space, Brodmann areas (BA) and anatomical specifications are given to the vertices with maximal source strength at the respective time points. The activation of all the sources is significantly greater than baseline (p < 0.01, FDR-corrected).