Figure 4.
1H/13C HSQC NMR spectra of CPS from (A) M. feriruminatoris G5847T; (B) M. feriruminatoris 15568. The H-1 signal at 5 ppm and that of C-1 at 109 ppm were typical of D-galactose residues with β-furanoside configuration (black arrow). The chemical shift value obtained for C-6 indicated the presence of a linkage on the C-6 galactan residue. Thus, both strains G5847T and 15568 are β-(1→6)-galactan producers. The H-1 signal at 4.5 ppm and that of C-1 at 104 ppm were typical of D-glucose residues with β-pyranoside configuration (white arrow). The H-6/C-6′ chemical values indicated the presence of a linkage on the C-6 glucose residue. These values confirm that the 15668 isolate produces both β-(1→6)-galactan and β-(1→6)-glucan.