Fig. 1.
Peritoneal cavity of an African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris). The right abdominal and thoracic walls, digestive tract, liver and thoracic organs have been removed. A dark red, firm, multilobulated mass with subserosal strands of clotted blood is attached to the cranial serosal surface of the left spermatic cord (not visible in this image). Re: right epididymis; Rep: right external prostate; Rk: right kidney; Rsv: right seminal vesicle; Rt: right testicle; Le: left epididymis; Lt: left testicle; Ub: urinary bladder. Bar=1 cm. Inset: Oblique dorsolateral (left) view of the skull. The left hemi-neurocranium has been removed. A mottled tan to dark red, moderately well-demarcated and friable mass is between the ventral surface of the right caudal temporal musculature and the underlying periosteum (asterisk). The mass focally perforates the underlying temporal and occipital bones and extends into the cranial vault approximately 3 mm. Bar=1 cm.