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. 2017 May 12;24(2):111–122. doi: 10.1159/000475900

Table 2.

Summary of some major studies done on EBm in AD

Author and year of publication Running title Study design Key findings
Kumar et al. [50], 2015 Bacopa monnieri on cold stress induced neurodegeneration of hippocampus Cold water swim stress-induced memory deficit in Wistar mice by depletion of norepinephrine in hippocampus resulting in reduced number of cells, diameter and packing density in the hippocampus Cold stress in animals caused decreased in size of cells and decreased packing density of cells and cells per square on histophotometric study. This was reversed to near normal in rats Treated with EBm

Kamkaew et al. [56], 2013 Bacopa monnieri increases cerebral blood flow Cerebral blood flow in Wistar mice was tested using stereotactic laser doppler probe placed over bregma. Basilar artery showed antiChE dependent vasodilation on administration of EBm On administration of EBm for 8 weeks EBm increased CBF by 25% and it also improved cognitive function in rats

Le et al. [45], 2013 Bacopa monnieri ameliorates memory deficits in olfactory bulbectomized mice OBX mice simulating AD were treated with EBm, tacrine, and vehicle. Memory tested using novel object recognition test, modified Y-maze test, fear conditioning test and ChAT assay Decreases cognitive dysfunction by; enhancing synaptic plasticity related signaling and preserving cholinergic neurons. Improved object recognition, spatial memory and fear induced long-term memory deficit

Shinomol et al. [40], 2012 Neuromodulatory propensity of bacopa monnieri against 3-NPA-induced oxidative stress Pre-pubertal CFT-Swiss mice brain were subjected to oxidative damage using 3-NPA. EBm reduced the damage as assayed using DPPH radical scavenging assay, nitric oxide scavenging assay, hydroxyl radical scavenging assay, superoxide scavenging assay, deoxyribose oxidation assay and iron chelation assay EBm prophylaxis prevented oxidative damage caused by 3-NPA indicating its antioxidant action

Morgan and Stevens [42], 2009 Does bacopa monnieri improve memory performance in older persons? Memory tests were conducted on healthy population >55 years as follows: audio-verbal and visual memory: Rey AVLT, RO-CFT and Reitan TMT. Subjective memory performance: MAC-Q Administration of Brahmi caused significant improvement in verbal learning, memory acquisition and delayed recall

Dhanasekaran et al. [36], 2007 Anti-dementia mechanisms of bacopa monnieri C57/B16 mice brain as exposed to EBm extract. Lipoxygenase activity, free oxide radicals and iron chelation were measured. Plasmid DNA pBR322 was incubated with and without EBm at 37°C for 1 h and assayed. Both samples showed no significant differences in plasmid DNA Administration of EBm decreased lipoxygenase activity, inhibited hydrogen peroxide-induced lipid peroxidation and chelated iron. BM does not exhibit direct genotoxicity

Raghav et al. [47], 2006 RCT of bacopa monnieri extract in age-associated memory impairment RCT involving adults >55 years treated with EBm and placebo for 12 weeks were tested for memory at 8 and 12 weeks. Memory tested using general information, orientation, mental control, logical memory, digit forward, digit backward, visual reproduction and paired associated learning. Most significant improvement in EBm was seen in logical memory and paired associated learning. Remarkable improvement in mental control, logical memory and paired associate learning after 12 weeks EBm therapy

AVLT, auditory verbal learning test; RO-CFT, rey-osterrieth complex figure test; TMT, trail making test; MAC-Q, memory complaint questionnaire.