Fig. 5. Left ventricular pressure-volume measurements in mice.
Representative pressure-volume (P–V) loops obtained from Millar catheter measurement in left ventricles of mice at ages of 3 months and 18 months, showing a significant reduced blood filling during the diastole in 18 months old mice compared to that of 3-month-old young adult mice (A). P–V loop data analyses indicate that –dp/dt min is significantly reduced in 18 month old mice compared to that of 3-month-old young adult mice (B). dp/dt max also shows a significant decrease in old mice (C). However, left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) does not show any significant changes between old and young adult mice (D). The Tau value is significantly increased in 18 month old mice (E). These data suggest a restricted left ventricle and impaired relaxation in 18 month old hearts. The data are obtained from the measurements of 8 mice per group and the values are expressed as Means ± SD from 8 separate experiments. Statistical significance is determined using t tests. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.