SAYP is abundant in euchromatin and binds to heterochromatin regions on Drosophila polytene chromosomes. (A) SAYP colocalizes with Pol II on polytene chromosomes of Drosophila: staining with antibodies (Ab1) against SAYP, Pol II, and the merged image. (B) Fragment of chromosome 2R stained with antibodies against SAYP (Ab1 or Ab2), Pol II, DAPI, and merged image. Arrowheads indicate sites 47A, 47C, 48B, 49E, and 50C (from left to right) strongly stained with both anti-SAYP antibodies. (C) Fragment of chromosome arms stained with antibodies against SAYP (Ab1), FLAG, DAPI, and merged image. (D) The chromocenter (marked with arrowheads in panels D–F) and the fourth chromosome (arrow) stained with antibodies against SAYP (Ab1), Pol II, and the merged image. (E) Chromocenter and the fourth chromosome stained with different antibodies against SAYP (either Ab1 or Ab2), HP1, and the merged images. (F) Chromocenter and the fourth chromosome from transgenic flies carrying FLAG-tagged SAYP stained with antibodies against SAYP (Ab1), FLAG, and merged image. Affinity-purified Ab1 and Ab2, monoclonal antibodies against CTD of Pol II, and monoclonal antibodies against HP1 and FLAG were used for staining.