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. 2017 Jan 27;45(10):e81. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx036

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

(A) Pipeline of the IC-Finder algorithm: a Hi-C map (left bottom) is transformed into a distance map (left top). Construction of the hierarchical organization (right) is performed using agglomerative hierarchical clustering on the distance map. At a given stage of the clustering, a choice to stop merging consecutive clusters is made regarding the heterogeneity σnorm inside the candidate merged cluster. (B) Prediction robustness estimated using Poisson resampling of the original map (left): probability pd that two loci are predicted to ‘colocalize’, i.e. to belong to the same interaction domain (right top) and the probability pb that a locus is predicted as a domain boundary (right bottom). (C) Different types of outputs given by IC-Finder: TAD boundaries determined by the program in default mode, and pd, pb and TAD boundary for different hierarchy of folding when the corresponding options are activated. Examples are given for the region 12–14.5 Mb of fly chromosome 3R (10).