Strigolactone and BRC1 affect branching additively. Total branch number at proliferative arrest. (A) Wild-type, max2-1, brc1-2, smxl6-4 smxl7-3 smxl8-1, smxl6-4 smxl7-3 smxl8-1 max2-1 and smxl6-4 smxl7-3 smxl8-1 max2-1 brc1-2 plants grown in long-day growth chambers, n=9-13. (B) Wild-type, brc1-2 brc2-1, max4-5, d14-1, max4-5 brc1-2 brc2-1 and d14-1 brc1-2 brc2-1 plants grown under long-day glasshouse conditions, n=23-24, representative of three independent repeats. (C) Wild-type, brc1-2 brc2-1, d14-1, max2-1 and max4-5 plants grown in short-day growth conditions, n=16-23, data for Col-0 and brc1-2 brc2-1 are the same as for Fig. 5A. (D) Photographs of representative plants of the genotypes indicated grown for long days. Different letters above bars indicate statistically significant differences at P<0.05, with pairwise Wilcoxon rank-sum tests with Holm-Bonferroni adjustments, error bars are s.e.m.