Fig. 2. Regional differences in expression.
Genes with a significant main effect of region on expression are shown in panels A through D with average log2 RPK values shown on the Y-axis. Only the top genes with a greater than 4-fold change in expression are shown. Genes with higher expression in HIP and cortical regions are shown in panel A and genes with higher expression in limbic and mesolimbic tissues are shown in panels B and C. Note that the genes in panel B have comparatively lower expression in HIP, cortex, and DMS and that Foxp2 in panel C has less expression in CeA and BST compared to DMS, NAc, NAs, and VTA. Genes in panel D have similar expression profiles that are opposite in HIP, cortical tissue, and VTA compared to limbic and mesolimbic tissue. Expression values and the correlation between the top 27 genes with regional expression (left matrix) and in situ expression (B6) from Allen Brain Atlas (right matrix) are shown in panel E. Expression strength (orange shading) is indicated by increasing hue intensity. Correlation strength is indicated by more intense hues and direction is indicated by color (yellow shading for positive correlations and blue shading for negative correlations). Genes not found in the Allan Brain Atlas have no corresponding expression value.