2A: CD4+ T-Cell Phenotypes *P < 0.05. “Pre-Tx” = Pre-transplant. “mo” = Months post-transplant. P values were calculated by Kruskall-Wallis comparing each T-cell subgroup at each time point. Effector Cells are CD45RO-/CD27-; Effector Memory Cells are CD45RO+/CD27-; Central Memory Cells are CD45RO+/CD27+; Naïve Cells are CD45RO-/CD27+. Expressed are means as a percent of total CD4+ T-Cells, may not add to 100% due to rounding. *Effector memory cells at 3 months in BK negative 15.93% (±11.29), viruria 20.00% (±12.00) and viremia 5.59% (±2.32) P = 0.05. 2B: CD8+ T-Cell Phenotypes *P < 0.05. “Pre-Tx” = Pre-transplant. “mo” = Months post-transplant. P values were calculated by Kruskall-Wallis comparing each T-cell subgroup at each time point. Effector Cells are CD45RO-/CD27-; Effector Memory Cells are CD45RO+/CD27-; Central Memory Cells are CD45RO+/CD27+; Naïve Cells are CD45RO-/CD27+. Expressed are means as a percent of total CD8+ T-Cells, may not add to 100% due to rounding. *Baseline percent effector cells for viremia is 21.41% (±13.11), viruria 4.04% (±4.51) and BK negative is 5.49% (±4.76), P = 0.04. 12 month percent effector cells for viremia is 14.49% (±3.76), viruria 3.86% (±1.64), and BK negative 4.10% (±4.19), P = 0.01.