Figure 1. hCD1Tg HJ1Tg Apoe–/– mice spontaneously develop skin inflammation.
(A) Mice were weighed beginning at 2.5 months of age up to 5.5 months of age. Percentage change in body weight was calculated over the time period (n = 4–10). (B) Mice were monitored from 20 to 25 weeks for the development of dermatitis and percentages of incidence recorded (left); epidermal thickness was also quantified (right; n = 11–14). (C and D) Representative H&E (C) and Ki67 (D) staining of skin sections from 6-month-old mice. Scale bars: 100 μm. (E) mRNA analysis of S100a proteins in the skin of indicated mice (n = 3–5). (F) Representative oil red O–stained sections from aortic root of Apoe–/– and hCD1Tg HJ1Tg Apoe–/– mice (left panel) are shown, and bar graph depicts the mean + SEM of aortic root plaque area from indicated mice (n = 8–9). ***P < 0.005; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using 1-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post-hoc test for 3-group comparisons and Student’s t test for 2-group comparisons.