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. 2017 May 15;127(6):2051–2065. doi: 10.1172/JCI80631

Figure 1. Myeloid-specific deletion of Ttp increases immune response and resistance against invasive infection with S. pyogenes.

Figure 1

(A) Survival of TTPfl/fl and TTPΔM mice (n = 8/genotype) during s.c. infection with 3 × 108 CFU S. pyogenes. Animals were monitored for 5 days. Kaplan-Meier survival curves are shown. **P < 0.01, by Mantel-Cox test. (B) The area of inflammation was determined 48 hours p.i. Two independent experiments were pooled (n = 11 TTPfl/fl and n = 16 TTPΔM mice in total). Error bars represent the mean. **P < 0.01, by unpaired Student’s t test. (C) H&E-stained tissue sections of flanks from TTPfl/fl and TTPΔM mice 24 and 48 hours p.i. were graded for leukocyte infiltration, necrotic tissue abundance, inflammation, PMN infiltration, and vascular congestion. Scores were combined for overall grading. Error bars indicate the median. *P < 0.05, by Mann-Whitney U test. (D) Representative H&E- (left panel), Gr-1– (middle panel), and S. pyogenes–stained (right panel) tissue sections of flanks from TTPfl/fl (top) and TTPΔM (bottom) animals 48 hours p.i. Arrows indicate Gr-1–stained cells. Note an increased infiltrate and containment of bacteria in tissues from TTPΔM mice. Original magnification, ×2.5 and ×20 (insets in H&E-stained images). Scale bars: 200 μm. (E) Bacterial loads in the blood, liver, and lesions from TTPfl/fl and TTPΔM mice infected with 3 × 108 CFU S. pyogenes. Samples were taken 48 hours p.i., and the bacterial load was determined. Dot plots represent a pool of 2 independent experiments (n = 11 TTPfl/fl and n = 14 TTPΔM mice for organs; n = 13 TTPfl/fl and n = 11 TTPΔM mice for lesions). Error bars indicate the median. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01, by Mann-Whitney U test.