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. 2017 May 1;17(6):1–75.

Table 8:

Changes in Interventional Treatments, by AUA Risk Group, in a Study of Impact of Prolaris Cycle Cell Progression Test on Treatment Selection

Treatment Δ Low Risk, % (n = 486) Δ Intermediate Risk, % (n = 506) Δ High Risk, % (n = 214)
Radical prostatectomy −32.4 −37.4 −27.7
EBRT primary −48.8 −35.0 −37.6
EBRT adjuvant −60.0 −63.3 −44.0
CyberKnife robotic surgery −50.0 −60.0 −66.7
Proton beam radiation −83.3 −71.4 −100
Brachytherapy interstitial −46.0 −43.1 −55.2
Brachytherapy high dose rate −69.2 −63.3 −53.8
ADT primary NAa −33.3 +10.5
ADT neoadjuvant +25.0 +32.5 −32.4
ADT adjuvant 0.0 −19.2 +27.3
ADT concurrent NAb −42.3 −57.1
Pelvic lymph node dissection −50.0 −29.4 −50.0
Cryosurgery −56.5 −64.6 −73.9
High-intensity focused ultrasound −93.3 −100.0 −100.0
Otherc +200.0 −25.0 −25.0

Abbreviations: ADT, androgen-deprivation therapy; AUA, American Urological Association; EBRT, external beam radiation therapy.


An increase from zero low-risk patients to 2 was observed.


No low-risk patients were recommended or administered this treatment.


Other recommended treatments that did not fall into another category (no details reported).

Source: Shore et al, 2016.56