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. 2017 May 31;7(2):117. doi: 10.1007/s13205-017-0774-x

Table 3.

Coefficient estimates in the regression model for rhamnolipid yield selected through variable selection (a) and ANOVA for rhamnolipid yield (b)

Variable Coefficient Standard error t p
Constant 10.717 0.178 60.16 0.000*
Oil 0.241 0.109 2.21 0.039*
CFP 1.009 0.109 9.25 0.000*
KH2PO4 0.587 0.109 5.39 0.000*
Oil*Oil −1.393 0.161 −8.67 0.000*
CFP*CFP −1.318 0.161 −8.21 0.000*
KH2PO4*KH2PO4 −2.111 0.161 −13.15 0.000*
Oil*CFP −0.131 0.154 −0.85 0.405
Oil*KH2PO4 0.288 0.154 1.86 0.077
CFP*KH2PO4 0.213 0.154 1.38 0.184
Source Degree of freedom Sum of squares Mean squares F p
Model 9 76.5844 8.5094 44.70 0.000
Linear 3 22.7503 7.5834 39.84 0.000
Square 3 52.6737 17.5579 92.23 0.000
Interaction 3 1.1603 0.3868 2.03 0.142
Residual Error 20 3.8074 0.1904
Lack-of-Fit 3 0.7928 0.2643 1.49 0.253
Pure Error 17 3.0146 0.1773
Total 29 80.3917

S: 0.4363, R 2: 95.26%, R 2(pred): 90.45%, R 2 (adj): 93.13%